5 interesting fact blocks

17 March, 2023

5 Interesting Facts About Confectionery You Probably Didn't Know

What do you think of when you hear the word confectionery? For some, it will bring to mind the sweet treats children love, like gummy bears and chocolate bars. Others may think of classics like jelly beans, lollipops or snakes. Regardless of your thoughts, it’s hard to argue how addictive and delicious these foods are.

If you’re interested in reading about confectionery but don’t know where to start, read on to find interesting facts about this tasty food category.

Fact 1: People Eat Nearly 1500 Chocolates Per Year
Did you know that the average person eats around 1,500 chocolates per year? That's a lot of chocolate. And it's not just because we love the taste. Chocolate has been shown to have some pretty amazing health benefits. For example, did you know that chocolate can help improve your mood? That's because it contains serotonin, a chemical that helps regulate your mood.

Fact 2: Chocolate sales increased by 4% in 2022
In 2022, chocolate sales increased by over 4%. This is good news for the industry, as chocolate is one of the most popular confectioneries. Chocolate also has a significant effect on the economy.

Chocolate factories provide jobs, and people that work in these factories are more likely to be successful financially than those who don’t work in them.

Sales of candy have been increasing yearly due to population growth and people eating out more often (which means more sugar). The sugar we consume comes from various sources, but confectionery is a key contributor to this trend, not just sweets like chocolates and candy bars but bread and breakfast cereals too.

Fact 3: Confectioneries are Excellent Promotional Products
You might not think candy would be a good marketing tool, but confectioneries can be quite effective. They're inexpensive to produce, so you can hand them out without breaking the bank. They're also small and easy to transport, so you can take them to trade shows or other events. And most importantly, people love getting free candy. If you hand out branded confectioneries at events, you'll definitely be remembered by potential customers.

Fact 4: Confectioneries can be Used as Giveaways
Using confectioneries as giveaways is a great way to promote your brand and attract new customers. Plus, they're a delicious way to show your appreciation to existing customers.

Fact 5: Confectionery Promotional Products can be Customised
Customers love to see their names on things, and businesses love getting their names out there. So why not kill two birds with one stone using custom confectionery promotional products? You can have your logo or company name printed on the candy, making it a sweet way to get your brand out there.

There's more to confectionery than just sugar and chocolate. In fact, the industry is fascinating, with a long history and an interesting production process.  Other types of confections include fudge, caramel candies, licorice, butterscotch candies, jelly beans and hard candy. Now that you know these facts about confectionery, are you ready to try some new flavours?


The Confectionery Only Team